Pam has been home for a little over a week after her week-long stay in the hospital. The doctor said that she should expect recovery time to be twice as long as her time in the hospital. And so each day has seen small but noticeable improvements in energy and outlook.

If I hadn’t said it before, this last experience of zero white blood cells has convinced the doctors that chemo is over. They have cancelled the last two infusion sessions. Hooray!

What will now happen is that Pam will continue to build her strength back, several diagnostics will happen, and then surgery. The extent of the surgery will depend on the results of the diagnostics.

But for now, rest, recuperation, and recovery are the orders of the day.

We’re grateful for your continued prayer support and good wishes and send our blessings your way.

Changes. It’s good.

One thought on “Changes. It’s good.

  • August 13, 2018 at 12:36 pm

    Praying for specifically~ healing rest, that it comes blissfully easy ~recuperation that you are totally on “your” time to sleep, eat, get up to do what you would want to do with your waking moments And~ recovery, that your body continues to rebuild and restore the bone marrow with healthy robust cellular components that fights infection, clean up inside out, praying for mentally and spiritually that you focus on all that is good and lovely that the peace of God will permeate throughout your being . Love and hugs

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