The next stage of treatment begins tomorrow. Surgery.

The good news is that as of this moment, none of the scans show any signs of cancer. The bad new is, it’s surgery.

The hope is that the surgery will be minimal, and will confirm what the scans show — the cancer is gone.

Pam (and I) would really appreciate your prayers as she enters the OR tomorrow. She checks in at 5:30am for a series of preparatory steps, with the actual surgery beginning at 9am.


  • Peace, not anxiety
  • Good rest ahead of time
  • Skill and care for all those participating
  • A swift, minimal operation
  • A cancer-free determination
  • A rapid recovery
  • Through it all, that God might have the glory, whatever that looks like

Joining with you, thankful for a Father who cares, hears, and controls.

Surgery. Tomorrow.