Now that a few days have elapsed since Pam’s return from the hospital, it would probably be a good idea to update everyone on her status. Pam is now in a time of diagnostics to help determine the next course of action. We anticipate that this means surgery, and the diagnostics will help determine how much surgery, and when.

Today, Pam completed an MRI. Needless to day, this is probably Pam’s least favorite thing to do. Afterwards she commented, “Never again.” I think she means it.

Pam will undergo three diagnostics next week — mammogram, ultrasound, and echo cardiogram. And then, the following Monday, we’ll meet with the surgeon to discuss what they’ve discovered. As of today, we’re hopeful that it will be a minimal surgery. We’ll know for certain in just over a week.

Meanwhile, Pam continues to very slowly recover. The process is not consistent, and one day she feels a little better, and then for two days, is pretty much a slug — not able to move well, and very tired. There are still symptoms left over from the chemo, including one nasty bout with nausea, but we’re hopeful her body will start to mend.

In general we’re praying for good rest each night, some improvement during the day, and expanded time in “the real world”. We appreciate your prayers, too.



One thought on “Diagnostics.

  • August 18, 2018 at 3:10 am

    We’re continuing to pray for you, our dear friends and brother/sister in Christ. Life is sure a roller coaster ride, just like I think it says in Facing It someplace. We will be praying for a restful sleep and more energy. It was so good to see Pam, daughters and grandson when we dropped off a meal. Remember that we live close by so if Pam needs something from the store, etc., feel free to call.

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