Well, it’s almost the end of the line.

On Tuesday Pam will have her port removed. This is a surgical procedure and Pam isn’t looking forward to it AND is asking for prayer ahead of time.

But, this is an ending stage to treatment. All the infusions are now done. All the major blood draws are complete. Once the port is out and recovery from the surgery completed, we’ll move into maintenance mode. A visit to the oncologist every three months. No doubt a mammogram periodically. Monitoring for any changes, but cancer free for now.

Praise to God. Thanks to the treatment team. Thanks also to friends who have supported in so many ways. Prayer, food, encouragement. Yahoo!

End of the line.

3 thoughts on “End of the line.

  • January 21, 2019 at 2:26 pm

    I am rejoicing with you both!
    Praying ,

  • January 21, 2019 at 10:44 pm

    I’m so glad the end is in sight. What a year it has been! If you want a meal while Pam is recovering from chemo port removal surgery, just give us a call. We remember the food plan since we eat like that ourselves. Will be praying about the surgery and recovery!

    • January 27, 2019 at 5:30 am

      Grateful for you offer, but we’re doing well so far.

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